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What developments for retirement savings after the “Pacte” Act?
Category: Law
08 Jul

What developments for retirement savings after the “Pacte” Act?

  • 8 July 2020
  • Guillaume Duboclard

Mentioned several times on this blog, the Pacte law has also reformed retirement savings. In line with the general philosophy of the law, the chapter devoted to retirement savings plans pursues the dual objective of simplifying the system for employees and redirecting the funds invested towards French companies. In this article, we present the instruments..

08 Jan

GDPR: 5 priorities for the compliance of your VSE-SME

  • 8 January 2020
  • Guillaume Duboclard

After a first article presenting the main principles enacted or reinforced by the GDPR, FIDEXTRA offers you a fivefold process to identify priority axis of your compliance. This article is more specifically intended for the executive directors or managers of very small, small and medium sized enterprises (VSE-SME). The main goal is to help you..

08 Jan

Compliance with the GDPR, everything you need to know

  • 8 January 2020
  • Guillaume Duboclard

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which came into effect on May 25, 2018, is the new European Union regulation on the protection of personal data (digital or not), i.e. information related to an identified or identifiable natural person. In most cases, pseudonymized data are also concerned because the person might be identified. This regulation..

30 Nov

Rewarding employees (1/2): what are the developments for mandatory profit-sharing with the PACTE law?

  • 30 November 2019
  • Guillaume Duboclard

“Rewarding employees”, a series of two articles published in October and November, focuses on the mandatory profit-sharing (so-called participation) and voluntary profit-sharing plans 1. Mandatory profit-sharing plans, established in the 1960s by the government of de Gaulle, is the oldest employee savings plan offered to the French companies. It is compulsory for any company over..